Does ISO 9001 cover Health & Safety? Exploring the connection


ISO 9001 is a big name in quality management systems, but does ISO 9001 cover Health & Safety? Let’s take a closer look at this Standard and see how it relates to Health & Safety.

Understanding ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the international Standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). It’s designed to help organisations meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service. The main aim of ISO 9001 is to boost customer satisfaction by ensuring consistent quality in processes and outputs. For more information, take a look at our dedicated page on ‘What is ISO 9001?’. ISO 9001 is a big name in quality management systems, but does ISO 9001 cover Health & Safety? Let’s take a closer look at this Standard and see how it relates to Health & Safety.

The link between ISO 9001 and Health & Safety

You should continuously evaluate your IT processes to identify areas for improvement, so your business always stays on top. So, does ISO 9001 cover Health & Safety? The short answer is no, not directly. ISO 9001 itself does not specifically address Health & Safety concerns. Its main goal is to enhance quality management, not to establish guidelines specifically for workplace safety or health.

But, there is a link. ISO 9001 emphasises process improvement and risk management, which can play a crucial role in supporting Health & Safety initiatives. When you create a culture of continuous improvement and proactive risk assessment, you can indirectly boost your overall Health & Safety performance.

ISO 9001’s role in supporting Health & Safety

While ISO 9001 doesn’t specifically address Health & Safety, there are ISO 9001 requirements and clauses that can relate to these areas.

Here are a few relevant clauses:

  • Clause 6.1 – Actions to address risks and opportunities: This clause requires organisations to identify and address risks and opportunities, which can include those related to Health & Safety.
  • Clause 7.1.3 – Infrastructure: Ensuring that the infrastructure is suitable for operations can indirectly support a safe working environment.
  • Clause 7.1.4 – Environment for the operation of processes: This involves maintaining a suitable environment, which can include Health & Safety considerations.

These clauses also highlight some broader themes of ISO 9001 that underpin a safe and efficient working environment:

  • Risk management: ISO 9001 encourages organisations to identify risks, including those related to Health & Safety, and take steps to manage them. This proactive approach helps in creating a safer work environment.
  • Process improvement: a core focus of ISO 9001 is refining processes and eliminating inefficiencies which in turn helps companies reduce the chances of accidents and health hazards. And a well-organised workplace tends to be a safer one!
  • Employee awareness: implementing ISO 9001 involves training and engaging employees in quality initiatives. This heightened awareness can spill over into Health & Safety practices, encouraging a more safety-conscious workforce.

The best of both

While ISO 9001 lays the groundwork for quality and risk management, organisations aiming for comprehensive Health & Safety standards should consider integrating ISO 45001 into their management systems. ISO 45001 is the international Standard specifically focused on occupational Health & Safety, providing a framework to improve safety, reduce workplace risks, and enhance employee well-being.

In summary, while ISO 9001 doesn’t directly cover Health & Safety, its focus on risk management and process improvement can indirectly support these areas. For organisations wanting solid Health & Safety standards, integrated ISO 9001 & ISO 45001 management system provides a holistic approach to managing quality and safety, ensuring a workplace that’s not just efficient but also safe and healthy for everyone involved.

By tapping into the strengths of each standard, organisations can build an environment where quality and safety go hand in hand, helping to create a thriving and sustainable business.

Gaining certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 45001

ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 integrate seamlessly in an integrated management system, driving your business forward with high-quality products and services, alongside robust occupational Health & Safety measures across your organisation. 

Boost your business with ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certification through Citation ISO Certification! Our ISO Consultants will guide you through the certification process, making sure your business meets and international Standards.

With our integrated management systems, you can manage multiple ISOs, including ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, from one convenient location, equipped with all the tools needed to achieve and maintain ISO compliance for enhanced efficiency, coordination, and consistency. Contact us today or call 0330 127 5121 for more information about our ISO services.

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About the author

  • Name:

    Serena Cooper

  • Company:

    Citation ISO Certification

  • Bio:

    Serena has worked for Citation ISO Certification since 2022, writing creative and informative content on ISO certification and consultation to help businesses reach their potential.


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