Meet ACS Requirements with ISO 9001/BS 10800


Maintaining quality and good customer satisfaction is key in the security industry, which is why the Security Industry Authority (SIA) has a voluntary quality assurance scheme in the form of the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS).

The ACS has now been updated to include the requirement that applicants work to the recommendations laid out in BS 10800, a code of practice for the provision of security services.

To ensure that security businesses work to these recommendations and meet other ACS requirements, QMS now has a bespoke ISO 9001/BS 10800 product.


Why ISO 9001 with BS 10800?

It is not a requirement for security businesses to be certified to ISO 9001, the international Standard for quality management.

However, the ACS criteria incorporates many of the key requirements of the ISO quality Standard. By meeting these requirements, security businesses can meet the expected levels for around two-thirds of the ACS assessment workbook, making approval more straightforward.

Creating a documented quality management system also means you can easily demonstrate that you have effective methods in place to ensure high customer satisfaction. This is because ISOs such as ISO 9001 require you to document your records, improvements and non-conformities.

As a code of practice, you cannot be certified to BS 10800. However, you need to be able to demonstrate that you work towards its recommendations.

By incorporating the necessary processes into an ISO 9001 management system, you can demonstrate compliance and also reap the benefits of a robust system of processes designed to maintain quality throughout your business.

Additional British Standards that may also be relevant to your business can also be easily incorporated into this framework.


What are the benefits of implementing ISO 9001/ BS 10800?

There are plenty of benefits to implementing a tailored quality management system, especially if you are working towards ACS approval.

  • Meet the latest SIA ACS guidelines to work to BS 10800
  • Create processes that meet best practice when it comes to the management, staffing and operation of your security business
  • Achieve around two-thirds of the ACS self-assessment workbook indicators by meeting the requirements of ISO 9001
  • Clearly demonstrate that your processes are effective at delivering high levels of customer satisfaction and consistency
  • Create a focus on quality throughout your organisation, from leadership to service delivery
  • Make your company stand out by working towards ACS approval

Find out more about ISO 9001/BS 10800

If you’d like to find out more about our bespoke ISO 9001/BS 10800 product, you can head over to our dedicated web page.

You can also get in touch with us to ask any questions you have. Simply call us on 0333 344 3646 or email [email protected].

Read more into the benefits of ISO 9001 and the requirements of a QMS.

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About the author

  • Name:

    Claire Price

  • Company:

    Content Marketing Executive

  • Bio:

    Claire worked for Citation ISO Certification between 2020 and 2022 writing creative and informative content on ISO certification and consultation to help businesses reach their potential.


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